The dreaded metric mile.  Every distance runner’s favorite part of tryouts is every thrower, jumper, and sprinter’s worst.

As a coach, it is my favorite part of tryouts. Sure it lets you see who has endurance. But more importantly, it shows who has heart.

There are the kids who go out fast to try and impress and end up throwing up or walking after one lap.

There are the sprinters who are too cool for school and jog the whole thing.

There are the natural distance runners who breeze through it.

But my favorite by far are the throwers. These kids have heart. Today we had three kids who aspire to be throwers. All three busted it, ran the entire distance, and showed more guts and determination than ninety percent of the sprinters.

Sign them up, and sign me up for coaching more great kids!

One comment

  1. pittswitts · March 21, 2017

    Yes! I was a thrower and I loved the 1600. Love this post.


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